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Green Day:
Green day is an american band made at 1989 by Bill Joseph Armstrong (Billie Joe), Michaels Pritchard (Mike Dirnt) and John Kiffmeyer (Al Sobrante) become attached to one year later, calling “Sweet Children” what then was renowned as “Green Day”.
At the present it’s formed by Billie Joe (lead vocals & guitars), Mike Dirnt (bass) and Tré Cool (Edwin Frank Right III) (drums).
In 1990 the band changed its name to Green Day officially and sings a contract to Lookout! Records. The first album appears in the same year and it’s called “1039/ smoothed out Slappy Hours” and later Al Sobrante leaves Green Day to go to university, and Tré Cool united the band.
When the band sold 55.000 copies of “Kerplunk”,(his 2nd CD with Lookout! Records) singed a contract with Reprise Records in April at 1993; same year appears their third album “Dookie” which sold 14 millions of copies. In 1994 open the Lollapallooza and are the most acclaim in the Woodstock festival.
In same year win a Grammy for the best alternative interpretation for “Dookie”.
Three songs of this CD, (Longview, Basket Case and When I come around) are incredible popular and have the first positions in the Billboard charts.
Their fourth CD, “Insomniac” launch in 1995, in October, sold 5 millions of copies in the world; the first single of this album is “Geek Stink Breath” and “Brian stew/Jaded”, the second single, had the first positions in the charts.
Their fifth job “Nimrod” was launched in 1997. This CD was praised for the critics for incorporate new kind of music, keeping the simplicity of the songs without forget the pop/punk launched to the fame.
The first single of this album is “Hitchin’ a Ride”, an instrumental song of this album, Espionage, was used in the sound band of the movie “Austin Powers: the spy who shagged me”.
In 2000 their six album “Warning” was launched, the song “Warning”, include in this job, be know, in a series of live concerts. Same year appears a recompilation CD, “International Super Hits”, this album has all hits of the band, since “Dookie” until “Warning”.
Then a long rest, Green Day comeback to recording studios at 2003, for start with their new album “Cigarettes and Valentines”, but when twelve original songs were recording, the computer were the songs be recording, were robbed of the studio. After this accident the band decided to start with a new project with new songs and new sounds, just there emerged “American Idiot”, in 2004; this album is a criticism and taunt about “American Idol” and the Bush administration.
Ticketed like an Opera Punk, “American Idiot” tells a history of St. Jimmy and Whatsername; two of the tracks, “Jesus of Suburbia” and “Homecoming”, last more than 9 minutes and have much variety of rhythms and kinds of music. The song “American Idiot” was written like an answer to the confusion scene that people live from the 11th September 2001.
During the 2005 Green Day give the “American Idiot Tour 2005”, in August, 28th the band took away seven of the eight nominations for the MTV VMA awards.
In November appears “Bullet in a Bible”, a live album with a documentary film abut their most important and big concert in the Milton Keynes (England) and a CD with 14 tracks on live.
During 2006 and 2007 they published some singles with charitable propose, like the song together with U2 “The saints are Coming”, and their version of “Working class Hero” (by John Lennon).
On 2008 the band had a participation in “The Simpsons: the movie”, singing the principal theme.
At 2009, in the Grammy show off, Billie Joe announced the name of the new job of Green Day, “21st Century Breakdown” and appear the first single “Know your Enemy” in April. This album it’s a new opera punk what tells the history of Christian and Gloria, a couple who give they vision on a chaotic start of century.
Now the band is on the “21st Century Breakdown Tour”.